Warning! Book only in Polish!
It’s a second book of this type I’ve read this year. It’s a good supplement after reading the “Atomic Habits”. The author, by the way, cites several techniques in the book and refers to its author (James Clear) several times.
All of us have more or less a problem with procrastination. It stops us from doing useful things and being more productive or healthy. Although I’m familiar with some of the techniques mentioned in this book, I gound it a very useful read. Any such publication affects our awareness of the problem and should prompt us to counteract it.
An interesting section was the one saying about the influence of biology and our genetic predisposition of procrastination. This topic coulld have been developed more, although on the other hand this is not a strictcly psychological book.
Altough most of the book’s content is focused on author’s experience, I believe that everyone can derive useful knowledge about forming their awareness of the huge problem of procrastination.