7 posts
13 posts
Interface vs Type alias Spread object and omit keys Building links in JavaScript DeepPartial in Typescript Discriminated unions in Typescript Building a TypeScript Wrapper for react-native-keychain Customizing Errors in JavaScript Something about Enums Useful regex patterns on frontend Analyze image colors using Python Use Intl object in React Native app Using Talkr library for internationalization Type-check react-i18next translation keys
5 posts
20 posts
Renaming files with Node.js Renaming file names with Python React Modal component Intercepting Http requests in Angular Convert object of objects to array of objects Screensaver in JavaScript Create animations using requestAnimationFrame Parent child communication using Angular Unsupported browser page in Gatsby Pagination component in React Pagination component in Angular React scroll handler hook Filter array of objects with multiple conditions Styling child component from parent in Angular JavaScript polyfills Non standard CSS selectors Scroll indicator component in React Reusable SVG component in React Custom events in JavaScript JavaScript startsWith(), endsWith() String methods