The case of Charles Dexter Ward

by: Howard Phillips Lovecraft

Apr 20, 2024

A great, very dark novel (or extended short story) by one of the most important writers in the field.

Anyone who knows this author knows that his work is quite schematic and repetitive. Most of his stories and novellas revolve around the main character’s madness, which grows after discovering subsequent layers of a certain dark story. Often this story concerns his ancestors and is related to mysterious cults, belief in unknown gods and performing rituals. It is no different in this case.

Lovecraft’s unique style makes me read his books very quickly. Slowly, layers of intrigue, descriptions of the author’s progressive insanity and elements related to Cthulhu mythology are revealed. Unlike the author’s other novels, this one had a very fast-paced action. There is almost no dialogue between characters. For some, this may be an issue, because most of the book’s content is very extensive descriptions of places, events and memories.

I actually read this book in one sitting. I was completely immersed in this dark and disturbing story, full of “blasphemous and sinister” events.